Just a few quick links. Namibia is in the middle of its worst drought in 30 years. For those of you who are bad at math, that means this is Namibia' worst drought ever, since the last one was before independence. Here are a couple interesting links for those of you who want to see the photos and get more info on this (woo hoo, goal 3!!!)
http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/worldviews/wp/2013/08/13/namibia-is-in-the-middle-of-its-worst-drought-in-30-years-this-is-what-it-looks-like-on-the-ground/ This article is quite good.
Just remember this, next time the water cuts out in the US and you have to go without a shower for a couple days. This is leading to a lot of people starving to death and losing the sources of their livelihoods. Enjoy the reading, photos, and videos.
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