Friday, March 20, 2015

Reflection Bonus: My Happy Place

So, I still have a few more posts to go in my "Reflection" series, but they've had to take a back seat briefly as other things have taken priority and weather has limited my electricity. In fact, this post was inspired by one of those power outages. I've been a bit under the weather lately, and, along with hindering my work, it's completely wrecked my sleep schedule. That was fortunate, last night, I thought, as it allowed me to "watch" the Terps NCAA opener online. And then the power went out. Dark, hot, humid, no electricity, no fan, loud thunder, unable to sleep, a but frustrated, still a bit sick. I could easily have been miserable. Only, I wasn't. I briefly tried going to sleep. After basically sleeping through the last couple days, that wasn't happening. I read for a bit, did a couple Sudoku puzzles, and then sat outside with my guitar, strumming and watching the lightning. And it hit me, I was actually kind of content. Maybe not happy, but happy enough. So, I started writing down a short list of things which have made me happy these past two years. Little-to-no explanations, just a list. There are a couple people, though one of my upcoming posts will heavily focus on people who have been meaningful to me. So, here's what I wrote down at 2am:

  • Popsicles, because you never realize their true value until you spend a summer day in Khorixas without a fan
  • Books
  • My guitar
  • Drumsticks, the wooden things
  • Soccer, playing and watching
  • Small children, they can be really annoying but in small doses they can make your day
  • Fresh coffee, when I can get it
  • Showers, they may be cold, but in this town, that's fine
  • My sitemate luck, I hit the PC jackpot and love you all
  • My host families
  • Cold beer
  • A nice piece of fruit
  • Condom classes, which are never dull
  • Hikes
  • My camera, an outlet for my creative mind
  • Occasional Skype sessions
  • My iPod and my awesome taste in music
  • My speakers, which allow me to blast that music
  • The gyms
  • The term "cool drink", which I think needs to be a thing in the US
  • Movies/shows on my laptop, when I just need to be alone
  • Walking around town
  • The shirts I see people wearing
  • Have I mentioned a fresh cup of coffee?
  • A simpler, more peaceful life for two year
  No, this is not a comprehensive list. I wrote it by headlamp light at 2am-ish, but I think it's a pretty accurate one. Every PCV who makes it to COS has told me the same thing: it's the little things that get you through the day. Find something small to be happy about every day, and even the worst days of my service can be manageable. So, there you have it.

  On a separate not, happy Independence Day Namibia. The new president is being inaugurated today.

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